Cucumber Beth Alpha

Price 3.45

Short description

Sweet baby cues, so popular in the Mediterranean area.

  • Quantity
In stock
  • Free nationwide delivery from €70
  • 28 days return period
  • Garden centre in Cork since 1997
  • Different payment methods

  •      Apple Pay  Google pay

Cucumber Beth Alpha

Price 3.45

Short description

Sweet baby cues, so popular in the Mediterranean area.

  • Quantity
In stock
  • Free nationwide delivery from €70
  • 28 days return period
  • Garden centre in Cork since 1997
  • Different payment methods

  •      Apple Pay  Google pay
Cucumber Beth Alpha - image 2
Cucumber Beth Alpha
Price 3.45
  • Grow in a warm or cool greenhouse or tunnel.
  • Sow indoors 0.5cm (¼”) deep, on edge, in small pots of compost. Water well and place in a warm position.A temperature of 20-25°C (68-77°F) is ideal. Keep moist. Seedlings usually appear in 7-14 days. When plants have developed 3 or 4 leaves, transplant to larger pots and grow on in cooler, but not cold conditions. Plant out in large pots, growing bags or greenhouse border. Provide support and train plants up canes, strings or netting. Stop lateral growth once 4 sets of leaves have formed. A small number of male flowers (those with no swelling behind the petals) are formed, these should be left on plants until they fade, as they are the pollinators for the female flowers which produce the fruits. Occasionally fruits may develop a few small white spines which can be rubbed off. Cucumbers do best in a humid atmosphere, so damp down greenhouse floor regularly. Once fruits form, regular feeding will ensure best crops.
  • EAN code
  • EAN trade
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  • Seed Type

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